Jeff's High School Graduation Day
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Tacoma Dome welcomes Kentlake Seniors!

This is the view from above where we were seated as the ceremony was about to begin.

Blake glances over on the end of the row where most of the family was seated.

Jamie and Lindsi loving to be together as always.

Kacie, Brady, and Blake enjoying all the hoopla.

Kacie going crazy next to Brady and Blake!

Jeff is one of six valedictorians for Kentlake High.

Bruce catching video action of the entire ceremony.

Bruce in a crowd trying to video tape.

Bryant and Trop ready to bust out of here and shoot some hoops.

Jeff with his family just after the graduation ceremony.

Jeff with his women right after graduation ceremony.

Kacie playing with Halli at the Johnsons where we had a quick graduation barbeque.