Senior Prom 2005
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Bryant with Kacie and Trey

Bryant gets the corsage ready

Bryant gets the corsage a step closer

Bryant has the corsage out of the box

Laura gets ready to take her turn

Laura gets the corsage ready

A nice flower always makes Bryant smile

Laura needs to get the corsage just right

Laura almost finished with the corsage

The corsage work is finally done

Bryant with good friend Cory Nicol

Bryant and Laura in the middle of group pictures

Bryant and Laura posing for more group pictures

Bryant and Laura get a solo shot

Bryant and Laura get another solo shot

Bryant and Laura with Kacie, Trey, and Nicole

Bryant and Laura with the siblings again.

Laura and Nicole talking with Trey

Bryant gives Trey a short ride on his shoulders

Trey is done with his short ride

Bryant with Laura and Keri

Bryant with a few of his friends before they take off.

Group Shot 1

Group Shot 2

Group Shot 3

Group Shot 4

Group Shot 5

Guy Shot 1

Guy Shot 2

Guy Shot 3

Guy Shot 4