Trey - 9 months old
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Kacie and Trey at the Microsoft Halloween Party

Trey in his Alligator costume for Halloween

Trey checking out the pumpkins on the front porch

Kacie and Trey on Halloween

Keri and Kacie kiss away

Trey fasicnated by the pumpkins

Trey checking out the football

Trey sporting his new Linfield sweatshirt

Trey with his patented smile

Trey working away in Scott's office

Trey says its time to be picked up

Trey with an interesting look

Trey doing damage in the kitchen

Trey with the crooked pacifier look

Trey thinks something is funny

Trey ready to go to the Woodinville football game

Trey the Little Linebacker

Kacie and Trey at Microsoft

Trey on the shoulders of my friend Matt

Trey relaxed with his pacifier

Trey eating leaves of our porch plants

Keri and Kacie with Trey

Kacie watches Trey eat his hat


See pictures of Trey at five months of age.

See pictures of Trey at two months of age.